Design Thinking & Practice
LASALLE College of the Arts
Led by Hairul Latiff & Darrick Ma
The tingkat, or the tiffin carries, is a noun for food containers that share a specific quality – stackability. So why not bring it to new heights? This object called bertingkat-tingkat is a wordplay on the Malay word ‘tingkat’, which translates to ‘level’ in English. In both languages, the word functions as a noun and an adjective. The idea is to make many tingkats (the quality meaning ‘level’) of tingkats (the noun meaning the object).
Read the full publication here.
︎︎︎design thinking
︎︎︎art direction
Design Thinking & Practice
LASALLE College of the Arts
Led by Hairul Latiff & Darrick Ma
The tingkat, or the tiffin carries, is a noun for food containers that share a specific quality – stackability. So why not bring it to new heights? This object called bertingkat-tingkat is a wordplay on the Malay word ‘tingkat’, which translates to ‘level’ in English. In both languages, the word functions as a noun and an adjective. The idea is to make many tingkats (the quality meaning ‘level’) of tingkats (the noun meaning the object).
Read the full publication here.
︎︎︎design thinking
︎︎︎art direction